
other things we're involved with:

Melrose Quartet (www.melrosequartet.co.uk)

Richard and Jess sing and play in Melrose Quartet along with James Fagan and Nancy Kerr. The band present a bold take on old and new English songs and tunes, with a powerful treatment of traditional material alongside some of the best modern song-writing in the folk world.

Pecsaetan (www.pecsaetan.co.uk)

Pecsaetan morris (pronounced ‘peck-suh-tan') are a women's Cotswold morris side from Sheffield. Jess (as a dancer) and Richard (as teacher and musician) were two of the founding members of the side, which formed in 2001.

Bell Hagg Orkestar (www.bellhaggs.co.uk)

Jo also performs with the Bell Hagg Orkestar; frenetic foot stamping music for dance, from Eastern European and Klezmer traditions. Clarinet, brass, bass, percussion, mandola, voice and guitar - tight melodies, sharp arrangements that will whisk you away......

Trinculo (www.trinculo.co.uk)

Nige's 'other' band is Trinculo, a five piece english ceilidh band featuring Nige on guitar, with saxophone, melodeon, fiddle and bass.

Glorystrokes (www.glorystrokes.com)

Featuring Gav, Richard and Nige. Possibly the world's only traditional english metalcore dance band, GloryStrokes bring together some well known names from the UK folk dance scene with a cataclysmic dash through their skeleton riddled musical closets.....bridging the barrier from barn dance to mosh pit.

Outremanche (www.outremanche.com)

Breton dance music for weddings, concerts, festivals and dances, Fest-Noz/Fest-Deiz and bals folkloriques. Outremanche are Gwenaelle Ambuhl on harp, Jo Veal on clarinet and Graham Knapp on percussion.


other ceilidh bands:

All blacked up (www.allblackedup.co.uk)

Florida (website)

Whapweasel (www.whapweasel.com)

Blackbeards Tea Party (Blackbeards Tea Party)




useful links, interesting organisations:

ceilidhsoc (www.ceilidhsoc.org)

Sheffield University folk dance and music society and the meeting place of Hekety and many other bands.

srfn (www.folk-network.com)

The South Riding Folk Network is an organisation dedicated to supporting the folk arts in the South Yorkshire area and beyond. Their site contains comprehensive listings of local bands and events.

webfeet (www.webfeet.org)

The Webfeet site contains information about dance and dance music in the UK, diaries of events and brief reviews.

efdss (www.efdss.org)

The English Folk Dance and Song Society home page.

Curbow instruments (www.curbow.com)